Monday, April 19, 2010

Answer each of the following, and cite statistics or sources wherever appropriate:

1. What are the most interesting aspects of World Wars 1 and 2?

To me, the most interesting aspects of world war 1 and 2 are the technological differences between weapons and planes from then and now. Also, it fascinates me to think that many grandparents of people i know, including my own, were involved in the war in one way or another. Lastly, the two wars interest me because there was a just cause to fight for, so being a soldier was much more heroic back then and the country was more supportive, unlike today where we are partaking in a pointless war and soldiers are viewed in numerous different ways.

also, ben affleck was super cute in pearl harbor ;) lolz

2. What do you hope to learn about these wars?

I hope to learn more about the effect of the war on the nation, because most of the facts I know about the war are only based around battles and bombings. Also, I think that the propaganda from the wars are very interesting and I want to see how they differ in ridiculousness.

3. How/Why are these wars important today? How do they impact and/or inform our world today? hint: think about alliances, democracies around the world, cultures, international institutions, nuclear (and other) technologies, etc.

I think that these wars are crucial because the outcome of them affected our entire lives, and if they were to end differently, everything on earth would change. Also, I think that besides the civil rights movement, world war 2 was the biggest display of discrimination in the last 100 years, and since it has ended, majority of the world has become more accepting of different religions.

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