Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This was something that surprised me. It was surprising to see that many platinum plaques all over the office.
The picture only shows a few, but the entire office is cluttered with them.

I think its pretty unique that my internship is built behind a coffee shop. Not only is it behind it, but the label also owns it.

this is a sample of my workspace. In the picture you can see my computer that I use as well as some papers for school and some work I was assigned.

1. When did you wake up?

I woke up at about 10:45 because my internship doesnt start until 12

2. What did you have for breakfast?

For breakfast I ate a bagel with cream cheese

3. How did you get to internship? How long did it take? How did it go?

To get there, I drove myself. The drive was nice because it was on the coast and it took me about 30 minutes.

4. What did you do when you first arrived at internship? Who did you see? Who did you talk to?

When I first arrived, I talked to my mentor Megan, and then met people around the office, like Dave Kaplan, the owner.

5. Where do you work (in the company, in the building, etc.)? What is your area like?

I work inside the building. My internship is in a very small courtyard with 3 single story offices. The area I work in is small but comfortable, and covered in plaques and cd's.

6. What did you do for lunch?

For lunch, I ate subway.

7. What did you do during the afternoon?

During the afternoon, I mainly organized the inventory of clean and promo cd's, as well as making a chart to tell how many albums were in stock.

8. What type of work do you see yourself doing in the next few days?

In the next few days, I see myself helping with their website as well as myspaces and facebooks.

9. What do you feel prepared to do? What do you think you'll do well?

I feel prepared to help with the websites and graphic design because I have experience in both fields.

10. What are you going to need to learn to succeed at your internship?

I already know most of the basics that are required to partake in my internship, so now I am trying to learn as much as I can while being there.

11. What makes you excited about working there?

I'm excited to work there because my whole life I've wanted to be involved in the music bussiness, and now I actually am.

12. What makes you nervous about working there?

Im nervous to work there because everyone is a trained proffesional, so I'm going in as an amateur.

13. When did you get home? What was your afternoon/evening commute like?

I got home at around 6:45 and my commute was fast, and it was very dark outside when i drove home.

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