Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Answer the following questions to help develop your project:

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?

I could use math while I organize inventories by calculating how many items there are. Also, I can use writing to help expand on different band's websites.

2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?

I could collaborate either music or graphic design into my piece since my job focus's on both of those fields.

3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?

Different technical skills are can use are my ability to use excel and word, along with photo shop. Also, I can help with physical work like moving things and organizing rooms and storage units.

4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?

I can learn how to promote a band, as well as how to advertise for a band and spread the word about them as much as possible.

5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?

I can do this by creating a website, or maybe an album cover.

6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?

I can help them by contributing to the graphic design of the company, as well as helping to organize and catalog things.

1 comment:

  1. First, i really like your pic at the top and randys rainbow pic. Second, i think youll do really good there!!! :D
