Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapter 1

1. The narrator is Nick Carroway. He is a very nuetral character and so far it almost seems as if he observes every single detail around him. He is a person who doesnt like too much contact with other people and he comes from a wealthy mid-western family. He doesn't like Tom Buchanan very much because of his cockiness and his cruel intentions.

2. I think by choosing Nick as a narrator, Fiitzgerald's intensions were to relate to the reader. Nick is a slightly well rounded person, but with some flaws, which I think everyone thinks about themselves, so it helps the reader relate. If he chose to put the story in 3rd person, he wouldnt be able to express Nicks thoughts and opinions about other characters, or about his emotions. Also, it puts the reader in his shoes instead of a camera view, and lets you see the emotions and thoughts that he has about situations and people he meets.

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