Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is the greatest challenge facing your generation? What will be necessary to address it?

I think the greatest challenge facing my generation is the reliance on technology. I believe that this is a pandemic, because we as a society have completely engulfed ourselves in a world of technology, meaning that we have machines do almost everything for us. Because this is happening, people with actual skill are being put out of business/overshadowed. To address this, we need to make the entire country aware, but honestly, I dont think we will ever live to see a day in which hand-craft overtakes machines again.

What is the greatest contribution you and/or your generation are in the process of making to America and/or American culture?

I think that the greatest contribution we have made as a generation is taking the initiative to clean up the mess of the previous generation. We have been doing this by creating alternative energies, green cars, solar panels for houses, and many other innovations. I think that this contribution is very important because it will ultimately save our planet one day.

What four-year college/s are you interested in and why?

My vision for college is at a 4 year university, particularly a UC. Of the UC's, my school of choice would be UCSC because of its environment, campus, and ideals. Other than Santa Cruz, I am very interested in Boulder, U of O, and UBC. After I graduate from a 4 year university, I dont know what I want to do, but hopefully something in the field of music or design.

What is a quality in a classmate that you would like to develop in yourself?

A quality that i see in a classmate that I admire is Emilies ability to complete work thouroughly and never let down teams. She is consistently a good partner in projects, and always does her share of the work. Also, she is always focused, and never cuts her abilities short.

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