Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear Meg Whitman,

Our lovely state has been run by an illiterate Austrian retard for far too long, and the time has come for a new leader. There are numerous things that I would bring to your attention if you were to win the election. I'd like to start off my list with the budget cuts. These cuts have directly affected me, as well as my fellow students at school, and i think that it needs to be addressed or else our schools are going to go down the shitter. Second, I think that same sex marriage needs to be made legal once again. I cant even wrap my head around how stupid it is that two people aren't allowed to get married because of their sexual orientation, and I think that if were going to be an explemplary state, we need to pave the way and legalize it once again. Finally, the cream of the crop... literally ;) . Lastly, I think that marijuana needs to be legalized for plenty of reasons. To start off, it has already surpassed avocados as California's largest cash crop, not including the sales of medical marijuana, which are very minor compared to the illegal sales of marijuana. This boom in sales means that the legalization of marijuana alone will lift California out of its recession, as well as put it in a higher place than before. Second, hundreds of thousands of Americans are sitting in jail for non-voilent marijuana related crimes, all whilst sucking up our tax dollars at $80 a day per prisoner. Lastly, marijuana is completely harmless, much like the people that smoke it and sell it, so by legalizing it, not only will our state rake in millions of tax dollars, but vast amounts of prisoners put in jail for unfair reasons will be released, and ultimatley California's crime rate will drop faster than a 300 pound paratrooper and the DEA will be able to focus on more important crimes than a plant.

youv'e read the facts, now do the math and get it done


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