Thursday, February 25, 2010


In my eyes, Roosevelt and Obama are not only tremendously similar character-wise, but also situation-wise. There are numerous reason why they are similar, starting with their situations. Both presidents were elected either directly after, or during a war, which is significant by itself. Also, both men were elected after an unsavory leader had left office, with Roosevelt cleaning up Hoover's mess, and Obama doing the same with bush. A third reason that their situations were very similar was the climate changes that their nations faced during the time, as well as the economic crisis during both times. Roosevelt endured the hardship of dealing with the dustbowl, as well as the great depression, which were both two major events of the 20th century. Being much like the dustbowl and depression combo, Obama was faced with the harsh reality of climate change and the recession. Lastly, A reason that I find them both similar is because to the majority of the country, they both seemed heroic not only for their poise, but also because they were held responsible for dragging the country out of the firey wreck that was bush's two terms in office

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